Give your clothes

new life

Discover sustainable options for disposing of unwanted clothing that also benefit the environment.

Illustration of two people that are smiling and looking on the clothes

Who are we?

Illustration of a woman sitting and holding planet

We are a non-profit organisation which wants to bring awareness in the city to recycle clothes. We've already found places and purpose for your unwanted clothes and this service is absolutely free of cost.

What should you do with clothing that you do not need any more?

Do you have unused or unwanted clothes? There is no need to throw them away. You can sell, donate or leave them in recycle containers.

Are you looking for the nearest facility?

Illustration of big map, a man are staying in front of it and showing location

Here you can find all locations in your city.

Became a volunteer!

Are you interested in making a positive impact on the environment? Would you like to contribute as a volunteer? Please get in touch with us.